Pixel Art &

Pixel Art

Tools: Aseprite

One of my hobbies is to draw small backgrounds or characters with pixel art. I specially enjoy using pixels because it is challenging but the results are always rewarding. One of my favorite works is a background i drew for a potential 2D endless runner game. I included clouds, mountains and a big moon in the landscape, and I only used different shades of the color purple.


Aug 2021


Art: Helia Golmohammadi


450px x 150px

game screenshot


Tools: Aseprite

I also draw characters and I use layers and frames to animate them. I draw the same character with really small modifications in different frames, and once the frames are played one after another, it results in the animated character. I used this tool to create some characters for my previous games. Trying to draw the same frame and adding or modifying details in a way that the aniimation would look smooth and realistic was my main challenge, but with more practice it became easier.


Aug 2021


Art: Helia Golmohammadi


450px x 150px

game screenshot
game pic game pic
game screenshot